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Month: June 2024

The Golden Thread

The Golden Thread

Taoists believe that there is continuity that flows through everything in the universe. It touches and connects everything in all times, places and dimensions. They believe this continuity is present in all parts of us including our body and spirit. It connects us to everyone and everything within and around us.The Taoists call this connectivity The Golden Thread. It is a spiritual concept that binds us all. I was introduced to this idea while accompanying my husband to his demanding…

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Pincushion Heart

Pincushion Heart

I stitched this little heart to symbolize the usually unexpected triggers that seemed to pierce my heart during the healing process. These were often in the form of an innocent or casual comment, an intrusive memory, or even a tiny detail occurring in everyday life. During those times, my heart often felt like a pincushion, and it still does occasionally. However, I made an effort to acknowledge and nurture the hope I held within. The small feather I found in…

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I recently created this canvas as I explored a recurring theme in my life and artistic expression. This idea, which I originally created over 30 years ago, expresses my belief in the miracle of and connection between all living things. I created the flower and rainbow from paper with accents of beads and tulle. The snowflake is a refurbished charm from a old bracelet. This is the original piece, created in 1992. The image has become a personal symbol of…

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