About Me

About Me

My recent journey back to creating art began with small (4″x 4″) mixed-media canvases. This was one of the first I created using beautiful handmade papers, a shell collected from a Florida vacation beach, and sand I enhanced with glitter. It expresses my desire for connection despite being an introvert. It also expresses my love for all things sparkly!

Art has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I vividly recall spending hours coloring and drawing under the kitchen table as a child, creating a private space while family life continued around me. As years passed, art became a powerful medium for interpreting and reflecting on my emotions. It has remained a private endeavor, aside from a few ventures.

Many years later, following my beloved husband’s death, I wonder what is compelling me to share my art. It may be because creating art has helped my broken heart heal. There is a part of me that, having endured the very worst, hopes to inspire others who are also healing from loss. I appreciated any comfort or encouragement that found its way to me during my own struggle. Part of my ongoing healing process will be to share my wandering journey.

I took a hiatus from creating for a while, as I have done many times before. Somehow art always beckons me to return. I once read that we don’t come up with creative ideas; they come down to us. I have been blessed to receive the gift of inspiration when I need it most.

So, here I am, learning to blog and experiencing all the anxiety of any new venture. I welcome you to my blog and hope you find inspiration here.