Kintsugi Gold

Kintsugi Gold

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with varnish infused with gold. When I sewed this broken heart from red felt and stitched a golden seam to fix it, I was reminded of A Kintsugi Life, a website that had often inspired me.

While pondering how my heart was healing, I remembered our family heirloom cookie jar, which my husband had repaired years ago. Examining the jar was a powerful reminder of his meticulous care in putting it together. With his repairs evident, I realized that it is now even more precious to me.

I was inspired to write about my acceptance of Kintsugi gold in honor of my husband and my own healing journey. I keep this small heart as a reminder that although life is imperfect, it is still filled with beauty.

The repaired cookie jar, inside and out.

6 thoughts on “Kintsugi Gold

  1. I read your essay on A Kintsugi Life and seeing the photos of the repaired cookie jar on your website made the experience even more profound. Thank you for sharing your wisdom learned through love and loss and returning back to love again.

  2. Beautiful post Cathy. Steve could indeed fix anything, including using music to heal hearts. He would be so proud of you.

  3. What a beautiful, loving post Cathy. Steve could fix just about anything. I miss him every time i play music, which is almost every day. Love, Jim

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