

I have found that gratitude is another antidote to overwhelm and despair. When I began my gratitude practice many years ago, I found inspiration in a little book titled “Attitudes of Gratitude” by M.J. Ryan. The book is packed with inspirational reading and notes on feeling grateful. Practicing gratitude every day has helped me immensely, even during the difficult times of my husband’s illness and passing.

After drawing, coloring, and cutting out the pair of hands on this canvas, I added sequins and crystals of various sizes to symbolize the shimmer and shine of the blessings in my life.

While grieving, I developed an interest in historical fiction, which not only satisfies my love for history but also sheds light on the experiences others have endured. After immersing myself in the struggles of others, I feel grateful for having a roof over my head and a comfortable bed to sleep in at night. It is easy to take blessings for granted. Reading helps me keep things in perspective.

I have also begun documenting the highlights of each day in my journal using brightly colored ink. These are the things for which I am most grateful. This practice encourages me to recognize blessings throughout each day. When I’m feeling down, flipping through my journal and noticing all the brightly colored passages encourages awareness of the goodness in my life!

2 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. Dearest Cathy,
    I am speechless! Your words and the amazing art that you’ve woven through your journey of grief and healing are totally beyond words. The art pieces you’ve gifted me over many years have now taken on new and more poignant meaning. Your creativity is boundless. XO

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