My Artist’s Prayer

I composed my artist’s prayer several years ago while struggling to balance my career with my passion for art. This has always been a challenge for me. Looking back, it reminds me of my struggle to balance life with grief. I seek light, insight, and peace while accompanied by the sorrow of missing my husband and partner.
I studied the body’s chakra system or energy centers when I created this piece. The seven colors of the rainbow represent the main chakras. I found strength and inspiration in these vibrant colors, whether they appeared in a rainbow or a brightly colored field of flowers.
I was also experimenting with colored markers as a medium at that time. My work became more stylized then, but I still added a few sequins for sparkle!
I have decided to refocus on the chakras this year as I pursue further creative ventures. I know that following that particular star will require renewed energy and dedication. As I reflect on past inspirations and consider the possibilities of the future, I will try to stay grounded in each precious day.
May you find strength, vision, and purpose in all aspects of yourself, past, present, and future!