

The background of this artwork is cut from a watercolor wash that I experimented with many years ago. Using this paper from my past gave me a sense of continuity and promise. Despite the mix of emotions I felt while putting the canvas together, using this paper helped me feel a sense of connection to my past and my future.

The twine was collected from my basement. The flower is crafted from a variety of papers with tiny beads creating the center.

I have at times found it difficult to know what I want while grieving. Complicated emotions become knotted and tangled in a seemingly never-ending muddle as I struggle to reinvent myself.

I created this piece to express my confusion as I attempted to work through my jumbled feelings. I found solace in the belief that if I could allow myself to relax, things would naturally work themselves out with time. I added the little flower to signify the importance of having faith in the process and hope for the outcome.

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