Faith’s Journey

Faith’s Journey

Even though I don’t follow a specific religion, I have always been intrigued by the concept of faith. I have encouraged myself to believe in the positive energy available if we are open to it. During my husband’s illness, we held onto the idea of taith, hoping for strength and healing. After he died, I made a deliberate effort to discover and nurture the remaining spark of life within myself, which gravitates towards healing, whether we are conscious of it or not.

I recently came across the following quote attributed to Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.
Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart.

I was drawn to the idea that faith knows no boundaries; seeking faith is a continuing, evolving journey rooted in my heart.

The painted background of this canvas represents the infinite space into which I embark as I follow my heart into a new and different life. In the language of flowers, purple asters stand for faith and wisdom. I created these using both hand-colored and craft papers before gluing them into the diaphanous painted heart. This canvas represents my faith in the path I follow, beyond what my eyes can see.

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