More on hope

More on hope

This simple piece was one of the first I created as I took tentative steps toward healing.
I sometimes create flowers from paper, as I did with these snowdrops. The red paper heart is cut from scrapbooking paper, while the background paper was purchased from a favorite handmade paper shop.

The flowers in the picture are Snowdrops, a symbol of renewal and hope. Snowdrops are among the first flowers to appear in early spring. Since grieving can feel like wandering through a barren wilderness, I overlaid the heart and flowers onto a stark background to represent the realization that love and hope will always be with me. This piece comforted me with the knowledge that love is never lost and can transform even the darkest corners of the grieving journey.

One of the most helpful books I read following my husband’s death was The Wilderness of Grief by Dr. Alan Wolfelt. This thoughtfully written book became my constant companion and inspiration during this difficult time.

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