

I found one antidote to overwhelm was quiet. Inviting quiet might seem like a simple thing, but allowing myself to settle into the silent time I needed was not easy. When I was grieving, I wished to seek distractions to avoid facing my pain rather than sitting with my wounded heart and listening to what it had to tell me. Now, I have come to appreciate the value of silence, which brings me comfort and inspiration. I suppose it has become a form of meditation for me.

As I healed, I created this piece in response to my increasing need for alone time. The small blue flower, made from card stock and sequins, represents peaceful reflection, while the surrounding chaotic layers of black tulle and netting symbolize intrusive thoughts, self-doubt, blame, and worry.

Seeking solitude isn’t always appreciated in our fast-paced society, but I have found it to be a reliable balm for healing.

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