Tender Heart

Tender Heart

Somedays, my heart still feels tired and bruised. Grieving and healing can be exhausting and overwhelming. As I wondered how to express the idea of my still tender heart, soft grey felt came to mind. I sewed this heart, adding a few bruises with blue and violet pastels. I then wrapped a muslin bandage around the heart, tucking in a broken feather to complete the feeling of healing injury.

Feathers are symbolic of so many things to me, and I often use them in my work. I am always on the lookout for feathers as I walk and think. I use only found feathers. I see them as little messengers of hope and inspiration that have been left in my path. I carefully clean each feather, adding it to my stash, and waiting for just the right occasion to add it to a piece of artwork.

One thought on “Tender Heart

  1. Cathy I really identify with your words and expression of those feelings in a broken, but mending, heart. I have a feather from a chef I worked with after I successfully transitioned to a general manager role. “A feather in your cap” he said!

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