The Power of AND

The Power of AND

It has been essential for me to recognize and allow the uncomfortable and painful emotions triggered by grief. During therapy, we frequently discussed the challenge of acknowledging these emotions while striving to balance them with positives. I found this practice reassuring, whether grappling with sorrow, anger, or fear.

I would state aloud what I felt and whatever positive emotion or quality I could pair with it.
Some examples are:
“I feel sad AND hopeful.”
“I feel angry AND compassionate.”
“I am afraid AND growing in self-confidence.”

I created this piece to remind me of the powerful energy of reflecting on and nurturing this simple word.
I crafted each letter for the word “and” from a thick mat board and collaged each letter with various papers and lace, using color to signify the gradual transformation from negative to positive. The leaves of the tree repeat this transformation from darkness toward light and brightness.

I still rely on this technique if I feel dispirited or unexpectedly triggered. Who thought that one little word could make such a difference?

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