

We often need to draw on our inner strength and resilience to face whatever life brings our way. I have discovered that creating art and leading a meaningful life after a loss requires me to “show up,” whether confronting a blank canvas or any other challenge. It involves being receptive to the whisperings of my heart and remaining open to inspiration, even when it seems elusive. Sometimes, it consists of sifting through uncomfortable feelings to find a tiny sparkle of possibility or energy to continue.

I created this canvas to celebrate and highlight strength and resilience. It was inspired by Steven Pressfield’s book The War of Art.

Years ago, while experimenting with these mediums, I painted the glittery violet and aqua watercolor paper. Using it as the background for this piece felt like a genuine continuation of my artistic journey.

After attaching a small denim jeans pocket, I “filled” it with inspirational items such as found feathers, brushes, and pencils. I created the snowdrops, always symbolic of hope and beginnings, from paper scraps and added a tag as a reminder of the piece’s title and theme.

I keep this canvas in plain view to remind and inspire me that being a warrior means quietly stepping up to do what is necessary to get where I want to go.

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